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aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-linedownload utility. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP,BitTorrent and Metalink. aria2 can be manipulated via built-inJSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces.


Download version 1.36.0.There you can download source distribution and binaries for OS X, Windows and Android.

The legacy releases earlier than 1.19.1 are availablehere.

Win32 download - PEBL for Mac 0.13 freeware download - Programming language for creating experiments - Freeware downloads - best freeware - Best Freeware Download. Mar 28, 2021 The official download page for all things GIMP! Please only use the official binaries provided here unless you really, really know what you’re doing (it’s the only way to be safe). We try to provide binaries in-time with regular releases, but may occasionally be delayed as the packagers.


  • Multi-Connection Download.aria2 can download a filefrom multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize yourmaximum download bandwidth. Really speeds up your downloadexperience.

  • Lightweight.aria2 doesn’t require much memory and CPU time. When disk cache isoff, the physical memory usage is typically 4MiB (normalHTTP/FTP downloads) to 9MiB (BitTorrent downloads). CPU usage inBitTorrent with download speed of 2.8MiB/sec is around 6%.

  • Fully Featured BitTorrent Client.All features you want in BitTorrent client are available: DHT,PEX, Encryption, Magnet URI, Web-Seeding, Selective Downloads,Local Peer Discovery and UDP tracker.

  • Metalink Enabled.aria2 supports The Metalink Download Description Format(aka Metalink v4),Metalink version 3 andMetalink/HTTP.Metalink offers the file verification, HTTP/FTP/SFTP/BitTorrent integrationand the various configurations for language, location, OS, etc.

  • Remote Control.aria2 supports RPC interface to control the aria2 process.The supported interfaces are JSON-RPC (over HTTP and WebSocket)and XML-RPC.

Usage Examples

Command-line scares you off? No, aria2 is really easy to use!!

Download from WEB:

Download from 2 sources:

Download using 2 connections per host:


BitTorrent Magnet URI:


Download URIs found in text file:

Related Projects

  • apt-metalink: Faster package downloads for Debian/Ubuntu
  • powerpill: Pacman wrapper for parallel and segmented downloads.
  • python3-aria2jsonrpc: A wrapper class around Aria2’s JSON RPC interface.
  • aria2.js: JavaScript (browsers and Node.js) library and cli for aria2 RPC
Win32 Download For Mac

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UI Frontends

  • webui-aria2: Web browser interface for aria2 (2012 GSOC project)
  • uGet: the Linux Download Manager


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (atyour option) any later version.

Win32 Download For Mac


Note that you may also download the GNU Privacy Guard from a mirrorsite close to you. See our list of mirrors. The table belowprovides links to the location of the files on the primary serveronly.

Source code releases

These are the canonical release forms of GnuPG. To use them youneed to build the binary version from the provided source code.For Unix systems this is the standard way of installing software.For GNU/Linux distributions are commonly used (e.g. Debian, Fedora,RedHat, or Ubuntu) which may already come with a directlyinstallable packages. However, these version may be older so thatbuilding from the source is often also a good choice. Someknowledge on how to compile and install software is required.

The table lists the different GnuPG packages, followed by requiredlibraries, required tools, optional software, and legacy versionsof GnuPG. For end-of-life dates see further down.

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GnuPG (LTS)2.2.312021-09-157043kdownloaddownload
Libgcrypt (LTS)1.8.82021-06-022917kdownloaddownload

GnuPG distributions are signed. It is wise and more secure to check out for their integrity.


  • Pinentry is a collection of passphrase entry dialogs which isrequired for almost all usages of GnuPG.
  • GPGME is the standard library to access GnuPG functions fromprogramming languages.
  • Scute is a PKCS#11 provider on top of GnuPG.
  • GPA is a graphical frontend to GnuPG.
  • GnuPG 1.4 is the old, single binary version which still supportthe unsafe PGP-2 keys. This branch has no dependencies on theabove listed libraries or the Pinentry. However, it lacks manymodern features and will receive only important updates.

GnuPG binary releases

In general we do not distribute binary releases but leave that tothe common Linux distributions. However, for some operatingsystems we list pointers to readily installable releases. Wecannot guarantee that the versions offered there are current. Notealso that some of them apply security patches on top of thestandard versions but keep the original version number.

WindowsGpg4winFull featured Windows version of GnuPG
Simple installer for the current GnuPG
Simple installer for GnuPG 1.4
OS XMac GPGInstaller from the gpgtools project
GnuPG for OS XInstaller for GnuPG
DebianDebian siteGnuPG is part of Debian
RPMrpmfindRPM packages for different OS
AndroidGuardian projectProvides a GnuPG framework
VMSantinode.infoA port of GnuPG 1.4 to OpenVMS
RISC OShome pageA port of GnuPG to RISC OS

End-of-life announcements

We announce the end-of-life date for a current stable version atthe time a new stable version is released. We maintain oldbranches for at least two years. For GnuPG 2.2 we consider 2.1.0as the birth of this new stable branch. For most other packages wedon't maintain branches and thus there is no end-of-life; alwaysuse the latest version.

1.4none (2)2004-12-16
2.22024-12-31 (1)2014-11-06
1.82024-12-31 (1)2017-07-18
  • (1): Long Term Support; eol date likely to be prolonged
  • (2): Legacy version; see remarks above.
  • tba: To be announced.