Gitlab Pipeline Run Python Script

May 22, 2019 Running Tests with pytest on GitLab CI. When I run my unit and functional tests with pytest in my development environment, I run the following command in my top-level directory: $ pytest. My initial attempt at creating a new job to run pytest in ‘.gitlab-ci.yml’ file was: image: 'python:3.7' beforescript: - python -version - pip install -r requirements.txt stages: - Static Analysis - Test. Pytest: stage: Test script: - pytest.

  1. › Blog › 18GitLab : Automatically Testing Your Python Project |
  2. Prerequisites
  3. See Full List On
  4. See Full List On
  5. What Are Pipelines In Gitlab
  1. Jun 14, 2020 tests: our Python script to validate YAML syntax will go in here vars: YAML variable files gitlab-ci.yml: pipeline configuration file, this is where we define our stages and jobs.
  2. Here is my./ci-cdscripts/ import os refName = os.environ.get('CICOMMITREFNAME') piplineID = os.environ.get('CIPIPELINEID') relVersion = refName + '.0.' + piplineID version = relVersion.replace('rel.' , ') print('current version is', version) python output in pipeline log.
  3. You can trigger a pipeline using token authentication instead of user authentication. To do so create an anonymous Gitlab instance and use lazy objects to get the associated project: gl = gitlab.Gitlab(URL) # no authentication project = gl.projects.get(projectid, lazy=True) # no API call project.triggerpipeline('master', triggertoken) Reference.

Hello everyone,

my name is Roman and I’m trying to set up CI pipeline. This pipeline should consist of 4 stages. First 3 stages (build, test and package) should be run on each push to the git and the last one (post_merge) should be run only when project maintainer is merged merge request into the master branch.

On the “package” stage I create a docker-image with my application and push this image into the local docker-registry. This docker image has tag equal to the name of current branch in the git. Testers can deploy this image into the testing environment and test this feature manually. When this branch is merged into the master this docker-image is not necessary anymore and I want to remove it on the “post_merge” stage.

It’s possible to remove tag by using Gitlab API something like this:

But I can’t find the way when to make this API call.


To implement this approach I created following config in .gitlab-ci.yml (I skipped some not important parts, such as variables definition):

First 3 steps are working as I want, but the last one is not working. In this step variable $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME is not available and it’s empty. I also tried to replace it with $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME, but in this context this variable has value “master”, but I need to have the name of source branch here. Also I tried to replace cleanup job with something like this:

But in this case this stage starts as independent pipeline (which is consist of the only one job) and this stage doesn’t have access to artifacts of build stage. Also this pipeline runs not only on the merge request merged, but on merge request is created too.

Does any one know how to set up .gitlab-ci.yml to run stage only when some branch is merged into the master and get the name of source branch?

How do I run a job in GitLab?

  1. Get started. CI/CD concepts Migrate from CircleCI Migrate from Jenkins Enable or disable CI/CD.
  2. Pipelines.
  3. Choose when jobs run Access a terminal for a running job Format scripts and job logs Git submodules.
  4. Variables.
  5. Environments and deployments.
  6. Runners.
  7. Cache and artifacts.
  8. .gitlab-ci.yml.

What is job in GitLab?

Each job belongs to a single stage. Stage can contain zero, one or more jobs to execute. All jobs in a single stage run in parallel. Here, when jobs from build stage complete with success, GitLab proceeds to the test stage, starting all jobs from that stage in parallel.

How do I create a CI CD pipeline in GitLab?

You will configure the pipeline to build a Docker image, push it to the GitLab container registry, and deploy it to your server using SSH. The pipeline will run for each commit pushed to the repository. You will deploy a small, static web page, but the focus of this tutorial is configuring the CD pipeline.

How do you get CI job tokens?

Create a personal access token ( /profile/personal_access_tokens ) for that user with api and read_repository rights. Add this token as a secret variable in the project CI/CD settings. Call it e.g. BUILD_USER_TOKEN . Use $BUILD_USER_TOKEN in your CI script to access the API or project files.

How do you trigger CI CD pipeline?

yml’ to the Repository.

  1. Sample build pipeline in GitLab.
  2. Add New Project in GitLab.
  3. Import project.
  4. Insert GitHub repository URL.
  5. GitLab CI configuration.
  6. Add New Trigger for CI/CD pipeline.
  7. Use the generated token with Webhook URL.
  8. Configure parameters in Spinnaker for Custom Webhook Stages in Spinnaker CI/CD pipelines.

How do I trigger a pipeline in bitbucket?

Pipelines can be triggered manually from either the Branches view or the Commits view in the Bitbucket Cloud interface….

  1. In Bitbucket, choose a repo and go to Commits.
  2. Go to the Commits’ view for a commit.
  3. Select a commit hash.
  4. Select Run pipeline.
  5. Choose a pipeline, then click Run:

How do I add build parameters in Jenkins? › Blog › 18GitLab : Automatically Testing Your Python Project |

Now you have to configure your Jenkins job. First under General section check “This project is parameterized” option and then select String Parameter option by clicking the “Add Parameter” button. Enter Your parameter name (In my case BROWSER) and default value (In my case Firefox) and click on “Apply” button.

How do you pass an environment variable in Jenkins pipeline?

The steps to do the same are :

  1. Create a new pipeline in Jenkins, named ‘envvars’.
  2. In the Pipeline Script, type the following groovy script.
  3. The windows batch command used here is “set”.
  4. For Linux/Unix, you can use the shell command “printenv”, as :
  5. This can be viewed as :


How do I declare a variable in Jenkins pipeline?

See Full List On

Variables in a Jenkinsfile can be defined by using the def keyword. Such variables should be defined before the pipeline block starts. When variable is defined, it can be called from the Jenkins declarative pipeline using ${…} syntax.

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How do I stop Jenkins pipeline?

What Are Pipelines In Gitlab

Pipeline jobs can by stopped by sending an HTTP POST request to URL endpoints of a build. BUILD ID URL/stop – aborts a Pipeline. BUILD ID URL/term – forcibly terminates a build (should only be used if stop does not work).